Introduction to FRN
FRN is an analog-free online program that can bring together users of the same program (basically), but also in a combined way with other types of Internet programs in order to exchange opinions and experiences around topics of discussion that arouse their interest.
The founder of freeradionetwork is Edwin, PA7FRN. From the last 3 letters of his badge came the name of the program created with his personal and long-term effort. The expression Free Radio Network refers to a generic expression that had to match his callsign for the honorific reasons. The expression Free is justified by the fact that there is no restriction to download and run the program once the passwords are obtained. It is a general communication tool with a very good management program. It depends on the server that one needs to connect to, what security controls they put in place and how they manage user access to their server. Here are the most important differences between Hellas-FRN and some other international servers that allow any use with any communication medium, even prohibited for use on the internet.
Due to repeated numerous failures of the original monitoring server/system manager FRN, independent programmers were concerned about the future of the Free Radio Network. In 2016 they developed an alternative FRN monitoring server in Java to allow the Free Radio Network to run smoothly in the event of system administrator failures again. Due to its own database, this alternative system manager can work independently of the original monitoring server, but unfortunately it represents a parallel world that makes it necessary to re-register users and servers to this system, especially for those had received passwords by the Original System Manager FRN later than May 1st, 2023.
FRN is used in different ways to use the program. The simple way is to use a computer and communicate only through it without the involvement of a transceiver. Another interesting way is to combine a computer and transceiver so that communication information is broadcast locally and allows the use of a transceiver to go online and communicate with correspondents located anywhere in the world. The third and last place is the operation in interaction mode between two programs on the computer, where the possibility of cooperation of similar programs with each other is now created (e.g., Echolink with FRN, Digital networks with FRN).
It is a fact that the possibilities of the internet with the cooperation of communication programs - remote P/D control, on the computer, have changed the framework of perception of the concept of radio communication today. The ease of understanding and use of such programs by new wireless users creates different development prospects. The result of the ease of use of a program such as FRN, but also the disproportionately increased reach of even simple mobile devices due to the Internet, creates an increased interest in engaging with the subject.
A separate parallel means of communication is the use of the GRN program for Android devices, where it acts as a simple user (client) in the FRN program. (More on page Downloads).
All of the above ways can work simultaneously and in combination, so the flexibility of accessing such a communications system is obvious, given that the issue of range has been resolved.
The Hellas-FRN server consists of 31 communication rooms plus a test room. These communications are completely independent from each other with separate rules and security valves and functionally they correspond to the well-known TG (TalkGroups) of other networks. The connection of users takes place in a specific room each time, without a time limit of stay, with specific access conditions and not with a personal connect to a user token, such as echolink, in conference format.
Because they concern communications on amateur radio frequencies, it is therefore necessary to control access to them in order not to create problems and violations related to the legislation on the operation of radio stations by radio amateurs.
The existence and operation of an internet portal (gateway) on a predetermined radio amateur frequency also requires its use by licensed radio amateurs, whose license is valid.
For those who wish to use a web portal through a specific room in FRN and specifically to be able to broadcast with it, they should activate through the registration and with conditions for good use of the frequency spectrum and a minimal footprint of band interference.
Here it should be emphasized that a radio gateway uses only one frequency locally and neither the broadcast nor the communication information is transferred to another band. (Strictly simplex).
RoIP Gateways (RoIP Gateways) connecting to the FRN Network give much greater range to portable/mobile radios. These are mandatorily placed in different locations. Everything received from one web portal is sent to other such web portals. They broadcast the received signal and cover communications at a local level, but in a completely different area than when someone is talking on a wireless. The limited range due to low P/W power in an area and the existence of only one gateway within its coverage area at a particular frequency provides the flexibility to use only one simplex frequency for many remote areas and thus avoids the whole process of employing multiple frequencies for a simple connection of two areas for a simple conversation. It also enables radio amateurs to talk with other colleagues through the web portals, but without owning a P/D themselves, by selecting the FRN Client mode and through a controlled access mode.
The internet gateways are based on the FRN Client program and are connected to an FRN server. A group of such gateways form a network. Different networks can be active on a server. Any radio amateur within range of a web portal can communicate with fellow radio amateurs in another country or city simply by selecting the appropriate communication room, frequency and a CTCSS (sub-tone). Sub-tone blocking is mandatory in this case a transceiver as online gate not to be opened by noise or unwanted (perhaps malicious) signals and to minimize disturbance to others listening in the same communication room or frequency.
With the FRN Client program, a portable/mobile wireless and a few electronic components, you can create a web portal yourself. You can also (alternatively) use the program with your computer's microphone to talk to other users on the network, without the need for a transceiver and for topics that are not necessarily related to radio amateurs, since there will be no broadcast on the air and so the program plays the role of aid for social networking of general interest.
In conclusion, we could characterize FRN as a computer program that is free for simple social networking and in the case of P/D use without special equipment requirements or any financial contribution. There are no technical difficulties for anyone to install, but the possibility of placing reliable safety valves of multiple forms and interventions, where these are required for combined use of transceiver by radio amateurs, creates the distinct compared to other analog networks way to ensure safe and within the permitted limits of use. (Clarifications details on another page of this website.)